Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Earthwatch Board Members Visit our Site!

October 20, 2011 was a red-letter day in our research at Barnegat Bay. We had 50 very special visitors come to the Lighthouse Center - The Earthwatch Institute's Executive Board! While many of them have worked behind the scenes to help fund, implement, organize, and support our expeditions, it was very exciting for these board members to see what it is really like to be a volunteer on our project. Some board members were from the main Earthwatch headquarters in Boston, while others traveled from as far as Japan, England, and Brazil for this meeting!

We split into two large groups, with half of the group going out on the R.V. Peter Kilham for a tour of the bay, and half of the group going out in small boats to check traps. In the afternoon, we switched. We really lucked out on weather, and although it was windy, the sun was shining like a day on the bay in August! Because it was so late in the fall, water temperatures are not ideal for terrapins to be swimming around much so we did not expect to catch many in our traps. Low and behold, not only did the board members find terrapins, we caught two NEW captures in our hoop nets - a record for that time of year! You can see in this picture how thrilled everyone was to catch their very first terrapin:
Overall, the visit was incredibly successful, even beyond catching terrapins. It was a wonderful opportunity for the board members to see how all of their hard work pays off for the Earthwath volunteer's experience. In addition, it was neat for us, as scientists, to learn more about the organization behind Earthwatch, and put names with faces. Since, we've felt much more connected to our funding org., and some incredible collaborations have flourished.


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