Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here jet ski, jet ski, jet ski!!!

It's the beginning of another crazy expedition here in Terrapin Station, NJ. This time around we have seven teenage volunteers and one teen coordinator. So far, we've only captured six turtles total but I'm pretty convinced that things will improve in the near future. Claire has been taking some volunteers to Spizzle each day to trap turtles. No Spizzle turtles yet, but hopefully we'll have some soon.

Jules is still searching for her turtle. We checked the Lighthouse Center traps today and found one decent size female; however, still no sign of the bionic turtle.

Other than that, I gave a presentation to a group of 4th to 8th graders from the organization "Operation Military Family" on Saturday night. I was surprisingly nervous since I've never worked with that age group before. It went really well though. I think they all enjoyed seeing the turtles and learning all about what they can do to help conserve the bay.

On Sunday, Chris and I made some underwater recordings of a jet ski. We basically set up all my sound equipment and then waited for an hour until we were able to flag down a jet skier. He was very willing to help and we now have some pretty awesome recordings of a jet ski.

Tomorrow I'm heading up to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to do some hearing tests on terrapins. So excited!

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